Bakongo of the Angola People Bakongo (also known as Mkongo or Mukongo). In one of the Bantu languages, Kongo, the word “Ba” means...
The Rise & Fall of The Powerful Mossi Kingdoms From the Kingdom of Kush to the Songhai Empire, Africa has an abundance of powerful pre-colonization empires and...
Dancing Your Way To Marriage With The Wodaabe From dinner dates to long walks on white sandy beaches, courtship looks different in various parts of the...
The Colourful Homes of the Ndebele of Africa Living in South Africa and Zimbabwe, the Ndebele Nation is an ethnic group that is known for its...
Who Was The Queen of Sheba? Whether said by an aunt, grandmother, or sister, everyone must have heard the saying, "Who does she think...
Returning African Artwork Home During the colonization of many African countries, millions of people lost their lives, became slaves, and thousands of...