6 African Themed Crafts For Kids At this point it is seeming that this lockdown is never going to end. Especially for us here...
Celebrating Barthélemy Boganda Happy Boganda Day, Central Africa Republic! It is a day to remembers the country's first prime minster who...
The Best African Children's Story Books On African History And Culture If you would like to introduce your kids to the fascinating African history and culture, here are 12 of...
Exploring Ancient African History and Culture with Kids Exploring ancient African history and culture with your kids can be a very fun thing to do together...
When African history gets the silent treatment in American schools What if we included African history more in our world history courses? Or, what if we included African...
Dr. Seuss books are banned, but why aren’t we supporting more African and African-American authors anyway? While we can be frustrated regarding Dr. Seuss’ past works and the lack of African-American characters in K-12...