Rediscovering Axum: 10 Intriguing Insights into an African Ancient Empire Picture this: dusty streets once bustling with life, towering monuments that stood the test of time, and a...
Exploring the Colorful World of the Ndebele: 5 Captivating Facts Did you know that Africa is home to approximately 3,000 tribes? Each one possesses a captivating tapestry of...
Empowering the Future: Stories of Modern African Heroes and Sheroes Today, we're focusing on the heroes and sheroes shaping the present and future. These are the folks who...
Discover Africa's Rich Stories: 15 Must-Read Books for Middle-Grade Kids Long time no booklist! At Our Ancestories, one of our absolute favourite topics to delve into is books....
Creating a Reading Culture: Tips for Encouraging African History Exploration in Kids Have you ever witnessed the transformative power of a book in a child's hands? As they dive into...
The San Tribe: 5 Interesting Facts About Southern Africa's Indigenous People Have you ever wondered about the fascinating cultures and traditions of the diverse peoples of Africa? Here at...