8 Fascinating Facts About Njinga Mbandi, The Warrior Queen Of Africa When thinking of female leaders from ancient Africa, who comes to mind? Perhaps Queen Amina, Hateshput of Egypt, Queen Sheba, Queen Idia, Queen...
Improving Financial Literacy in the Black Community By high school, I learned trigonometry, algebra and geometry in order to graduate, but none of those classes...
Black Folks, Groupthink and Why Condoleezza Rice's Views Are Problematic In a world where slaves are misidentified as “workers” during the Atlantic slave trade, is it too much...
Kenyan Children's Books Kenya is full of diverse tribes and cultures, languages, and rich history. Picture books are one of the...
Bakongo of the Angola People Bakongo (also known as Mkongo or Mukongo). In one of the Bantu languages, Kongo, the word “Ba” means...
Returning African Artwork Home During the colonization of many African countries, millions of people lost their lives, became slaves, and thousands of...