What is Ubuntu? Teaching Compassion and Community Through African Values Ubuntu is a special word from the Zulu and Xhosa people of South Africa. Ubuntu means “I am...
Shining Through History: The Significance of Gold in West Africa Over the weekend, as I settled down for a quiet weekend, a documentary by the World Gold Council...
Griots: Living Historians and Musicians of West Africa Have you ever heard of griots? Griots are storytellers, singers, musicians, and oral historians in West Africa. In...
Exploring Ancient African Writing Languages: Unveiling a Rich Legacy Africa boasts a rich legacy of written communication and oral storytelling, dating back thousands of years. It's home...
15 African Children's Books to Empower Boys For all the parents, guardians, and educators seeking engaging and empowering reads for the young boys in their...
5 Black Women Who Deserve More Recognition: A Black History Month Tribute We must give these women the recognition they deserve and learn from them. By highlighting their contributions, we...