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6 Tips for Enriching Black History in Your Homeschool

6 Tips for Enriching Black History in Your Homeschool

Black history is crucial. And when it comes to teaching your kids black history, you need to give them a comprehensive understanding of this rich and complex history—not just the part taught in school.

That's why more and more black families are opting for homeschooling. There are many reasons behind this switch, but one of the biggest ones is that public and private schools often don't cover black history in a way that adequately reflects the complexity of its historical narrative. It leads to black students leaving school with an incomplete or inaccurate idea of who they are and where they have come from.

It's no secret that studying black history is necessary —and will do your children good! In today's post, we are listing six tips for enriching black history in your homeschool.

Teach Black History Holistically

First and foremost, teach Black history holistically and cover the whole story. Black history starts from the ancient African kingdoms, queens and kings, and civilizations. It is also about the achievements made by African ancestors. Additionally, when covering black history, it is vital to teach about the pain and trauma faced during slavery and colonization. Lastly, cover the struggle and victory of the liberation movements.

When students see past and present history-makers that look like them, they feel encouraged to strive towards their goals, as they see living proof that they are attainable. It will also help children appreciate their heritage and history better. 

Teach African History Using African-Centered Resources

Another way of enriching black history in your homeschool curriculum is to ensure that you are teaching your kids African history. Not just any kind of African history, be selective and intentional about using African-centered resources and voices. Find reliable and accurate resources made by Africans that tell their own stories of their ancestors. You can choose it is African authors, African educators, African books, or even content consumed on video platforms. Give your child an opportunity to read and learn about African history from Africans themselves. It will also allow your child to experience the world from the perspective of someone who knows what it's like to live within their own culture.

Teach About the Unsung Heroes and Heroines of Black History

Teaching about unsung heroes and heroines in black history is one of the best things you can do to enrich your study of the subject, and it's also a great way to teach your kids about their history.

More often than not, we teach our kids about the well-known heroes and heroines from black history, but did you know there are so many unsung heroes or heroines that deserve to be recognized? These unsung heroes and heroines can be people who lived their lives quietly, making contributions to society that are not often recognized.

Teaching your children about these unsung people can show them how important it is for us to recognize the contributions each one of us makes. It can also help them see that they don't need to be known for their work for it to be meaningful – sometimes just doing what's right makes all the difference!

Lastly, covering unsung heroes will help kids see themselves as part of a larger story told over centuries. They will see that they can be great leaders in society and make a difference in their community just like many others have done before them.

Use Black History-Themed Unit Studies 

Unit studies help students to learn about the subject matter in more depth and at their own pace. A unit study is a comprehensive study of a single concept that includes reading and writing activities and hands-on exploration. The great thing about unit studies is that you can adapt them easily to any topic. 

Black history-themed unit studies can be a fun way for students to learn about black history engagingly. For example, you could create a unit study on Martin Luther King Jr., which would include lessons on American history and geography, as well as English lessons related to the civil rights movement.

Teach About Black Inventors 

You will need to research their lives and work to teach about black inventors. You can find information on these individuals by researching online or at your local library or bookstore.

Another means of enriching your study of black history is by teaching about black inventors.

Explain how many of the most famous inventions were invented by African Americans and how they helped shape our world today, such as Alexander Miles' invention of air conditioning and Norbert Rillieux's invention of the evaporator. 

In doing so, you will inspire your kids, help them see that they are capable, and instil pride in their heritage.

Find Diverse Resources 

Last on our list of enriching how you study black history in your homeschooling journey is finding diverse resources. Every kid is different. Some are visual learners, others prefer reading, others listen, and others enjoy hands-on activities. Depending on how your kid prefers to learn, we recommend finding diverse resources which will help them learn about black history in the way they learn best. Find a variety of resources to help your kid learn about black history.

Feel free to browse our teaching guidesworksheets, and learning centre for diverse resources to get you started or supplement your homeschooling. 

We hope these tips help enrich black history in your homeschooling journey! What other tips would you add to our list? Comment below. We love hearing from you!

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