Iconic Black Hairstyles Throughout The Ages Throughout the ages, black communities from around the world have created unique hairstyles that they can call their...
The Benin Kingdom Wall Surpassed The Wall of China In the 13th and 15th century, the Esan region of the Benin Kingdom started its civilization by migrating...
5 PRE-COLONIAL FESTIVALS STILL CELEBRATED IN WEST AFRICA There are quite a handful of pre-colonial festivals in Africa countries which are still practised to date. Though...
Guinea; The Land of the Susu People The history of the Susu people began in 900BC, these set of Africans migrated from Northern Africa. They...
The Secrets of Africa’s Magnificent People (The Wolof People) The Wolof people are an ethnic group in different parts of Africa, they form about 43.3% in Senegal...
Fifteen Important African Events in November You Need To Know!! On 1 November 1954 members of the National Liberation Front (NLF) started a revolution in Algeria against the...