Black Folks, Groupthink and Why Condoleezza Rice's Views Are Problematic In a world where slaves are misidentified as “workers” during the Atlantic slave trade, is it too much...
Kenyan Children's Books Kenya is full of diverse tribes and cultures, languages, and rich history. Picture books are one of the...
Children's Books on African Heroes Learning about heroes can inspire us to lead better lives and overcome the challenges we are facing. Kids...
A Children’s Book Representing Each African Country Africa is so vast, diverse, and rich in history, cultures, and traditions. One way of teaching your kids...
6 African Themed Crafts For Kids At this point it is seeming that this lockdown is never going to end. Especially for us here...
When African history gets the silent treatment in American schools What if we included African history more in our world history courses? Or, what if we included African...